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July 20, 2022

What is Trichoderma?

The use of biological agents is becoming an increasingly important alternative to chemical control against insects, weeds and diseases in agriculture. In developing countries, farmers are faced with the high cost of chemical farm inputs to control fungal diseases

Fungi are the most important biological agents against plant pathogens. Trichoderma species are common filamentous fungi, capable of hyper parasitizing pathogenic fungi and are highly efficient antagonists. Trichoderma, a low-cost, environmentally friendly alternative that reduces the need for chemical fungicides while combatting a range of fungal diseases. Trichoderma is an avirulent plant symbiont that occurs naturally in all agricultural and forest soils and root ecosystems. It is also highly competitive, displaying antagonism against other pathogenic fungi. It has been successfully cultivated for use as a biofungicide, with Trichoderma harzianumT. viride, and T. hamatum as the most common species used for biological control.


  • Is environmentally friendly.
  • Leaves no chemical residue.
  • Reduces the need for harsh, expensive chemical fungicides.
  • Reduces crop losses and increases yields.
  • Is usable on many crops and usable against many pathogenic fungi.
  • Is inexpensive to purchase and is easy and inexpensive to produce.
  • Is a potential source of income

Biology/Mode Of Action

  • Trichoderma colonizes plants’ root systems and protects them from several soil borne pathogens.
  • It decomposes and absorbs the organic material in which it grows.
  • It attacks other fungi in the plant’s root system by coiling its tentacle-like mycelia around them, penetrating the hyphal strands and consuming their insides.
  • It can grow rapidly on many different substrates and can out-compete other organisms for space and food within the plant root system, starving out the harmful organisms.
  • It can provide a plant with systemic resistance against pathogens by releasing compounds that activate the plant’s defense mechanisms.
  • Seed treatment with Trichoderma can protect the seedlings from pathogenic fungi.
  • Root colonization by Trichoderma enhances plant root growth and nutrient and water uptake, increasing resistance to drought and crop productivity.

Application - Trichoderma is applied via seed treatments, soil amendments, and foliar sprays.

Sanjeevni-Panacea For Organic Farming

Sanjeevni-a natural biofungicide, developed and manufactured by IPL Biologicals Limited  highly effective in controlling wide range of soil borne crop diseases caused by Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Sclerotinia, Verticillium, Alternaria, Blister Blight, Black Rot, Die Back and Charcoal rot.

IPL Biologicals Limited is a leading Biologicals company head quartered in Gurugram which has a core expertise in Agricultural Biologicals and has commercialized various products for the use in organic farming as a replacement of harmful chemicals. Established in 1994, we are dedicated to organic farming and sustained agriculture system and environment all these years. After a decade years of research and field experiments, we have developed a series of biological products for farming. IPL Biologicals is manufacturing high quality biological products for farming like bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, bio-nematicides, plant growth promoting bacteria for sustainable agriculture and providing biological solution for sustainable food production. Characterized as good efficacy, low toxicity and non-residue, these products have gained the trust of the clients for the advantages as natural and effective.

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