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Frequently Asked Questions

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General Questions

Q: Can we mix chemical fungicides with Trichoderma viride?


No, Chemical fungicides inhibits the Trichoderma viride mycelial growth, population of colony and spore germination.

Q: Can we mix chemical fungicides with Pseudomonas fluorescens ?


Yes, Fluorescens shows 65‐75% compatibility with all the fungicides and enhance effect of crop protection.

Q: Can we mix bio pesticides (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Verticillium lecanii, Beauveria basiana, Metarhizium anisopliae etc.) with chemical insecticides while giving foliar spray?


Yes. IPL biopesticides are compatible with most pesticides, including fungicides. Biopesticides can even be tank mixed with most chemical pesticides. Tank mixing biopesticides with chemical pesticides provide an enhanced, synergistic crop protection effect.

Q: Can we mix bio pesticides (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Verticillium lecanii, Beauveria basiana, Metarhizium anisopliae etc.) with chemical insecticides while giving foliar spray?


It is recommended not to apply any chemical pesticide/insecticide before and after application of biopesticide/bio-insecticide as it can harm the beneficial microbe also. But we can take 50% of chemical pesticides/insecticide if the disease or pest/ insect is severe or more than economic threshold level (ETL). Both the chemical and bio-pesticides should be prepared and applied separately.

Q: What is the additional benefit of bio-pesticides?


Reduces the resistance development by disease or pest, Reduce the number of sprays when compared to pesticides, Plant growth is enhanced by many bio-pesticides, Root diseases can be effectively controlled compared to pesticides, There is no toxic substance / residues in final produce, Increases the crop yield and quality of the produce, Environmentally safe, Does not cause any harm to the person applying the product.

Q: How to access the quality of bio-pesticides?


Based on the count of Microorganisms (CFU/ml/g of product) (example : the CFU count of Trichoderma harzianum in liquid bioformulation should be 2×108/ml), survival in all conditions, contamination free packing and the positive response on disease and pest control & yield of various crops, the quality can be assessed.

Q: Do we have bio-pesticides for all disease and pest?


Yes. We can control all types of plant disease or pest effectively with bio-pesticides.

Q: Can we mix with chemical pesticides during application?


It is recommended not to apply any chemical pesticide before and after application of biopesticide as it can harm the beneficial microbe also. But we can take 50% of chemical pesticides if the disease or pest is severe or more than economic threshold level (ETL). Both the pesticides and bio-pesticides should be prepared and applied separately.

Q: Whether the soil / seed borne disease can be controlled?


Yes. Bio-pesticides can control the soil disease & pest very effectively than chemicals since it works effectively against wide range of groups of disease or pest and secondary infection whereas the chemical pesticides can selectively control the pest / diseases.

Q: How many times should we apply the bio-pesticides?


At initiation of disease or pest followed by 1-2 application for best results at 15-30 days interval or at flowering and pre-harvesting season of crop. The frequency of application of any product is related to its residual time, or the time required for a product to degrade in the environment. Biopesticides in general have a short residual time so it has to be applied at regular intervals.

Q: Can the bio-pesticides control the disease & pest effectively?


Yes. It can control the diseases and pests effectively if applied as prophylatically as per the recommended dose for treatment & at economic threshold level (ETL).

(Example: For control of damping off in vegetable crops, apply liquid formulation of Trichoderma harzianum @10ml/kg of seed before sowing.)

Q: Can we apply in the drip irrigation?


Yes, we can add the liquid Bio-fertilizers (both liquid and powder form) in fertilizer mixing tank or separate tank with ventury in 50-100 lits of water/ acre & set pressure to distribute in 15-20 minutes.

Q: Whether Bio – Fertilizers can be applied along with/ mixed with chemical fertilizers?


There is a huge difference in the application amount and the actual availability of chemical fertilizers to the plants. Biofertilizers have been reported to enhance the availability of these inorganic inputs to the plants. Thus Biofertilizers can be used along with chemical fertilizers but the care should be taken to avoid direct contact of chemical based inputs with Biofertilizers which is likely to reduce the microbial population of Biofertilizers. Take equal volume of Bio- fertilizers & chemical fertilizers and it should be prepared separately and uniformly mixed and applied near the planted area.

Q: How many times we have to apply liquid bio-fertilizer in a crop?


In Short duration crops – 2-3 times, long duration crops – 3-4 times and for perennial crops once in 3 months.

The different types of crop depends upon the duration for attaining growth, maturity and yield. Example as follows:

Short duration crops: Onion (60 to 65 days), Pulse crops (around 90 days)

Medium duration crops: sugarcane, Tapioca (around a year).

Long duration crops: Mango, sapota (yielding from 4th Year to 25 and/or more years).

Q: What is the moisture level for survival of microorganisms?


There should be adequate (80-90%) moisture in the field while applying the bio-fertilizers and whenever the crop is irrigated it is sufficient to perform in the field.

Q: How are Bio-Fertilizers applied in field?


It can be applied in different form as follows:

  • Seed treatment (Take required quantity of biofertilizer and mix with seed in sufficient water. Shade dry the seeds before sowing.),
  • Seedling dip (Take recommended quantity of Bio-Fertilizers per acre and further dilute with 10-20 lits of water), and
  • Soil treatment (Take recommended quantity of Bio-Fertilizers and mix well with 50-100 kg of FYM/Sand/Soil/water/organic manure/ press mud equally and apply near the planted area in one acre.
  • Immediately irrigate the field.

Example: Recommended Application dose of PREMIUM AZOSPI LIQUID FORMULATION containing Azospirillum spp. is:

  1. For seed treatment: Mix 5-10ml/kg of seed in sufficient water. Shade dry the seeds before sowing.
  2. For seedling /sett dipping: For planting material required for one acre of land, take 50-100ml of Premium Azospi in 20-25 litre water and dip the roots of the seedlings/setts before transplanting or sowing in field.
  3. For Soil application: 250-500ml of Premium Azospi mixed with 30-40 kg FYM/ Soil for broadcasting in one acre of land before ploughing or irrigation.

The Bio fertilizers (both powder and liquid formulation) can be applied through drip irrigation also.

Q: How to assess the quality of bio-fertilizers?


Based on the count of Microorganisms (Explain what this data means with example) (CFU/ml/g of product), survival in all conditions, contamination free packing and the positive response on plant growth & yield of various crops, the quality can be assessed.

CFU/ml/g of the product means the survivability of the microbe in the formulation, e.g. CFU of one of the fertilizer PREMIUM AZOSPI LIQUID FORMULATION containing Azospirillum spp. is 1 x 108 per ml.

Q: How much Nitrogen: Phosphorous: Potassium (NPK) quantity given by the microorganisms to plant?

  • Nitrogen – Azospirillum/ Azotobacter / Rhizobium – 20-40 kg N /hac
  • Phosphorus – Phosphate solubilising microbes (PSM) – 30-50 kg P2O5/hac
  • Potash – Potash mobilizing bacteria (KSB) – 50-60 % of plant K requirement given.

Q: How can we see the response in plants if bio-fertilizers applied in the field?


Based on the seed germination %, Plant height, no of leaves, Size of the leaf and tillers numbers, the effectiveness of bio-fertilizers can be ascertained. If it is perennial crop, the new leaf production, flowering and fruiting.

Q: Can Bio-Fertilizers replace chemical fertilizers? (Typically, after how many seasons, years are the replacement take place? Any recorded evidence available?)


Yes. We can replace chemical fertilizers but the plant response will be slow & hence the bio-fertilizers should be applied as many split dosages.

As long as the crop variety and biofertilizer strain are optimally matched, and environmental conditions are favorable for the microbe and plant.

Evidence: Endophytic strains of clover rhizobia use as biofertilizers significantly reduces the dependence on chemical fertilizers to maximize grain yield of rice.

(Yanni YG and Frank B. Dazzo. 2010. Enhancement of rice production using endophytic strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii in extensive field inoculation trials within the Egypt Nile delta. Plant and Soil (DOI: 1007-s1104-010-7) 336: 129-142.)

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