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5G is a high quality, versatile, organic certified Humic and Fulvic Complex that can be used in all crops.

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Sanjeevni (Trichoderma viride) (Wettable Powder) is a biological fungicide that protects crops from soil-borne fungal diseases caused by organisms like Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Sclerotinia, and Verticillium. It can be used throughout the crop cycle, from sowing to harvesting, and is suitable for a variety of crops.

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Kalichakra (L)

Kalichakra L (Metarhizium anisopliae) is an eco-friendly biological insecticide. It can effectively control insects pests like white grub and root grub, loopers, cutworms, sucking pests, etc.

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Phasal Rakshak

Phasal Rakshak is a bio- fungicide in Wettable Powder formulation that contains Pseudomonas fluorescens, a bacteria known for its ability to suppress soil-borne diseases caused by pathogens, promote plant growth, and increase yield. It can be applied through soil or foliar spray.

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Premium VAM HD

Premium VAM HD (Wettable Powder) is a highly concentrated (10X more potent than conventional product), water soluble, eco-friendly bio-fertilizer that contains Mycorrhizal fungi. This beneficial fungi facilitates the transfer of nutrients from the soil to the plant.

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Zinc Extra Biofertilizers in Wettable Powder Formulation—a powerful solution to address zinc deficiency in plants. Zinc is a crucial micronutrient that plays a vital role in plant growth and development. Without enough zinc, plants become vulnerable to disease and yield losses.
Zinc Extra contains highly potent zinc-soluble bacteria that help the plant extract usable zinc from the available zinc complexes in the soil.

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Soil Shakti

Soil Shakti is a granular formulation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Azotobacter sp.) that helps to enhance the availability of nitrogen to the plant. This biofertilizer is a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to nitrogenous chemical fertilizers.

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Soil Gold (L)

Soil Gold (Liquid) is a high-quality biofertilizer product that is a special microbial formulation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Azotobacter sp.). This eco-friendly product helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen into an available form and supplies it to the crop.

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Soil Gold

Soil Gold is a premium quality biofertilizer in a Wettable powder formulation that has been specifically developed to enhance the availability of nitrogen to the plants. It contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Azotobacter sp.), which help to improve soil fertility and increase the productivity of crops. Soil gold is a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to reduce dependence on nitrogenous chemical fertilizers.

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Premium Zinko

Premium Zinko is a highly effective bio-fertilizer that contains Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria in a granular formulation with a very high CFU count.
Zinc deficiency in soil can lead to poor crop yield and quality, which is a widespread micronutrient deficiency. Premium Zinko contains both Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria and elemental zinc to help mitigate zinc deficiency in multiple crops.
By using Premium Zinko, you can provide your plants with a high-quality source of zinc that promotes healthy growth and development.

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Premium Zinc Activator (L)

Premium Zinc Activator Liquid Biofertilizers enhance plant growth and increase crop yields by activating zinc complexes in the soil.

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Premium VAM Shakti

Premium VAM SHAKTI is an eco-friendly granular biofertilizer that contains Mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi facilitate nutrient transfer from soil to plants, enhance phosphate uptake, and mobilize immobile micronutrients such as Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, and Mo.

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Premium Rhizo

Premium Rhizo is a nitrogen supplement for leguminous crops. It contains symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizobium spp.) that live in the root nodules of leguminous crops.

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Premium Potash Activa – (L)

Premium Potash Activa is a liquid biofertilizer that contains beneficial microbes called Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) that help plants get the potassium they need from the soil.

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Premium Phoster

Premium Phoster is a granular biofertilizer that contains powerful microbes which can convert phosphorus from insoluble compounds into a form that plants can absorb. Premium Phoster can reduce your dependence on chemical phosphatic fertilizers, thereby reducing input costs.

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Premium Phosphofix is a liquid biofertilizer that contains powerful microbes which can convert phosphorus from insoluble compounds into a form that plants can absorb. Premium Phosphofix can reduce your dependence on chemical phosphatic fertilizers, thereby reducing input costs.

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Premium Azospi

PREMIUM AZOSPI is a liquid bio-fertilizer containing nitrogen fixing bacteria (Azosprillium spp.) that helps to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use.This eco-friendly product is designed to improve plant growth and yield without harmful environmental effects.

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Granular Potash Activa Powder

Granular Potash Activa is a biofertilizer that contains beneficial microbes called Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) that help plants get the potassium they need from the soil. It mobilizes potash in the soil, making it available to the plant, and is easy to apply. Suitable for a wide range of crops, it is environmentally sustainable and can be used in eco-friendly farming systems.

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Granular Bio NPK

Granular Bio NPK is a natural and eco-friendly fertilizer that provides balanced nutrition to crops. It contains a mixture of beneficial microorganisms that help fix atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphate, and mobilize potash into an available form for plants. This leads to better absorption of nutrients, improved soil health, and increased crop yields. Granular Bio NPK is easy to use and can be applied to the soil during field preparation or in standing crops. It is a cost-effective alternative to chemical fertilizers, reducing input costs and improving produce quality.

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Cane Master

Cane Master is a granular product containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria that can fix atmospheric nitrogen in sugarcane roots, stems, and leaves.

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Bio NPK (L)

BIO-NPK LIQUID (Biofertilizer) is a blend of microbes capable of fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphate, and mobilizing potash to provide well-balanced nutrition to crops.It significantly reduces the need for chemical nutrient additives, resulting in healthy plants, abundant crops, and lower input costs.

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Wipe Out

WIPE OUT is an organic insecticide based on a consortium of fatty acids highly effective against pest / insects (sucking pests, mites, caterpillars, etc.). It gives even better results if applied in combination with recommended bio-pesticides.

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Varunastra is an eco-friendly biological insecticide made from a fungus called Verticillium lecanii. It is effective in controlling sucking pests and lepidopterous pests such as spodoptera and helicoverpa. Varunastra is a safe and natural way to control pests without harming the environment or beneficial insects.

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Nematofree Plus

Nematofree Plus is a natural and eco-friendly product that helps to protect crops from harmful nematodes. It contains beneficial microorganisms that effectively control nematodes without harming other beneficial insects.

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MAHASTRA (Bacillus thuringiensis) (WP) is an eco-friendly biological insecticide. It effectively controls Lepidopteran population in crop

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Kalichakra (Powder)

Kalichakra (Metarhizium anisopliae) is an eco-friendly biological insecticide. It can effectively control insects pests like white grub and root grub, loopers, cutworms, sucking pests, etc.

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Daman (L)

Daman -L is a natural bio-insecticide in liquid formulation containing, entomopathogenic fungi. It effectively controls insects pests like Root borer, caterpillars and sucking pests.

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Daman Powder

Daman is a natural bio-insecticide in a wettable powder formulation containing entomopathogenic fungi. It effectively controls insect pests like root borer, caterpillars, and sucking pests.

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Almite is biological insecticide that effectively controls mite population in crop.

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Milgo is a highly effective solution for controlling powdery mildew infection in crops, resulting in increased yield. Its rapid growth enables it to colonize the plant's surface quickly, providing effective protection against the disease. Milgo is an environment-friendly product, making it a sustainable solution for disease management.

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Mildown is an eco-friendly bio-fungicide in a liquid formulation that effectively combats seed, soil, and airborne fungal diseases. With a spore count of 2 x 10^8 CFU per ml, Mildown provides 20 crores of microbial cells in just 1 ml. The key ingredient, Bacillus subtilis, forms colonies in the rhizosphere and phyllosphere, protecting plants from various fungal diseases and developing resistance against bacterial pathogens in crops.

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Bioharz is a liquid formulation of an eco-friendly biological fungicide. It is highly effective in controlling soil-borne phytopathogenic microbial populations in crops, leading to increased crop yields. Furthermore, it does not harm natural predators or parasites.

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Bactvipe (Pseudomonas fluorescens) is an eco-friendly bio-fungicide that effectively controls a wide range of bacterial and fungal diseases (e.g., root rot, stem rot, Collar rot, wilt, blights, leaf spots, anthracnose, alternaria, and downy mildew) over the entire crop cycle, from sowing to harvesting.

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ZINKAACEA-HD is a highly concentrated biofertilizer containing 100X the concentration of Zinc solubilizing bacteria as compared to conventional products Its organic acid secretion converts fixed Zinc into soluble form for uptake by the plants.

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POTAACEA-HD is a biofertilizer that contains 100 times higher concetration of Potash Mobilizing Bacteria as compared to conventional products. These bacteria can help convert fixed potash in the soil into a simple and soluble form, which is essential for plants during flowering and fruit formation stage.

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Phosphorous is the next important nutrient after Nitrogen, which helps in root formation and plant growth. Phosphate is available in the soil in insoluble form and hardly about 1-2% of it is available to the plants. Phosphocea-HD contains 100 times high concentration of Phosphorous Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) as compared to conventional product which helps to convert insoluble inorganic phosphate into simple and soluble form for plants uptake

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Nitrocea – HD

NITROCEA-HD is a high-density biofertilizer that contains 100 times higher concentration of Azotobacter spp. compared to conventional biofertilizers. It converts atmospheric nitrogen into available form for easy uptake by plant. NITROCEA-HD's unique system of nitrogenase enzymes and metabolic capabilities make it exceptionally efficient at nitrogen fixation. NITROCEA-HD with its 100X concetration delivers potent result with smaller dose.

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Premium Decomposer

Microbial decomposers (Bacterial & Fungal ) are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms and in doing so carry out the natural process of decomposition. Bacteria can break down just about any type of organic matter. Fungus use their hyphae to penetrate layer pieces of Organic matter

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PROTOX (Probiotic microbe) produces plant hormones that help plants grow bigger and increases root mass, larger roots mean stronger plants, maintain soil microbiome, and ensure crop success. It degrades organic material to make nutrients available to plants and processes to make nutrients more soluble and mobile. It increases moisture in the soil around the roots. It contains the beneficial fungi found in healthy, productive soil that helps plants to grow bigger and better.

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Siron is a granular seaweed based biostimulant product that is enriched with iron and sulphur. It is designed to improve crop growth and yield by mitigating iron and sulphur deficiencies in the soil and improving their uptake.

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