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Premium Potash Activa – (L)

Premium Potash Activa is a liquid biofertilizer that contains beneficial microbes called Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) that help plants get the potassium they need from the soil.


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Premium Potash Activa is a liquid biofertilizer that contains beneficial microbes called Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) that help plants get the potassium they need from the soil.

Improves resistance of crop plants against diseases and stress conditions
Enhances soil health and soil fertility
Mobilizes fixed potash in the soil
It helps plants resist disease, pests, and adverse climate conditions while correcting the ill effects of excess nitrogen.
Improves colour and shelf life of the crop
Secretion of growth hormones to increase crop productivity

The helpful bacteria present in the product secrete organic acids that reduce the soil pH, and help in mobilizing the complex potassium salts and make it available for uptake by the plant.

Soil application:
Mix 2 L of the product per acre in 100-200 kg of well-decomposed FYM/compost/Vermicompost or field soil and broadcast during field preparation or sowing. Give light irrigation after application and repeat before flowering if necessary.

Drip irrigation: Mix 2 L of the product per acre in 150-200 liters of water and apply through drip irrigation. Repeat before flowering if necessary.

Product Specifications

Technical Name:Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB)
Purpose:Promotes plant growth and improves crop yield by correcting potassium deficiency in plants.

Soil application, and Drip irrigation – 2 L per acre


Cereals: Paddy, Wheat, Millet, Sugarcane, Pulses, Oilseeds, Spices, and Cotton
Vegetables: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pea, Bean, Brinjal, Chilly, Onion, Potato, Leafy vegetables, Tomato
Fruit Crops:Grapes, Citrus, and Apple, Flowering Plants, Medicinal & Aromatic plants

Type: Bio-Fertilizer 
CFU Count: 1×108 per ml

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Premium Potash Activa Liquid
Premium Potash Activa – (L)
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