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Frequently Asked Questions

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General Questions

Q: Whether these microbes also help to degrade chemical residue which is phytotoxic?


Yes, Most of the microbes use phytotoxic chemicals as carbon and energy source and hence degrade them.

Q: Can these microbes (Trichoderma viride, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Metarhizium anisopliae and bio fertilizers) survive in submerged condition of paddy field?



Q: Can we use Trichoderma viride as seed treatment for potato seeds?



Example:Trichoderma viride controls Rhizoctonia solani causing black scurf disease of potato


Q: Whether the nitrogen fixing bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen if high dose of nitrogenous fertilizers applied to soil?



Higher dose of inoculum ensure maximum and better association of nitrogen fixing bacteria with rhizosphare leads to more nitrogen fixation.

Q: If the bio pesticides do not quickly control the insect pest, why should farmer bear any possible risk?


To get long term control of insect pest with less cost. It is an integrated approach. Integrated Crop Management (ICM) is a pragmatic approach to crop production. ICM is based on understanding the intricate balance between the environment and agriculture, and is a whole-farm approach in achieving a proper balance. Its basic components are crop management, nutrient management, pest management and ultimately financial management. One of the main objectives of ICM is reduction of external farm inputs, such as inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and fuel by means of farm produced substitutes. ICM assumes a broad palette of available disease and pest control methods, such as biological, cultural and physical controls, host plant resistance, and decision support tools.

Q: Can all soil born pathogenic fungus be controlled by Trichoderma viride?


Yes, Trichoderma viride is a natural bio-fungicide, highly effective in controlling wide range of soil borne crops disease caused by Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Schlerotinia, Verticillium, Alternaria, phytopthora, anjd other fungus.

Q: How can we ensure good soil health as well as increase in crop yield and reduction in cost of cultivation with the use these bio products?


Yes, Bio-products have the potential to provide larger and more sustainable yields and healthier soils. The cost of bio-products is less than chemical products due to use of renewable and low-cost substrate.

Q: Is it possible to deal with all the essential nutrients deficiency with bio fertilizer?


Yes, The performance of plants is directly related to the degree of the fertility of soil. Plants require 16 essential elements to grow well and to remain healthy. The 16 elements are categorized as Major Nutrients: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) Secondary Nutrients: Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and Sulfur (S)

Micronutrients: Boron (B), Chlorine (CI), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), and Zinc (Zn). The Bio-products like biofertilizer, solubilizing and mobilizing organism provides these all element to plant either by direct fixation or by solubilization and mobilization of soil available elements.

Q: Are bio pesticides based on microbial formulation need CIB Registration?


Yes., Any person engaged in the business of import or manufacture of any insecticide shall make an application to the Registration Committee within a period of seventeen months from the date of such commencement for the registration of any insecticide which he has been importing or manufacturing before that date.

Q: Why do we need these products instead of chemicals?


Several chemical fertilizers have high acid content. They have the ability to burn the skin. Changes soil fertility. They grow plants but do nothing to sustain the soil.

On the Other hand Bio-products adds natural nutrients to soil, increases soil organic matter, improves soil structure and tilth, improves water holding capacity, reduces soil crusting problems, reduces erosion from wind and water, Slow and consistent release of nutrients, and better control of plant diseases.

Q: What is the right time and methods of application of bio fertilizers?


In evening hours when there is sufficient moisture in the soil. Different methods are available for applications of various biofertilizers which are outlined below:

  1. As seed inoculant-e.g., Rhizobium. Seed treatment is a most common method adopted for all types of inoculant. The seed treatment is effective and economic.
  2. As soil inoculant-e.g., carrier based blue-green algae, Azotobacter.
  3. As seed & soil inoculant – VAM fungi.
  4. Carrier materials for BGA inoculum are straw, rice bran, polyurethane foam and sugarcane waste.

Q: Is it essential to apply bio fertilizers in every cropping season?


Yes, When Biofertilizers inoculation are use for three to four consecutive cropping seasons, the inoculate microbes establish well and the effect persisted over subsequent crop.

Q: Whether bio fertilizer can replace the chemical fertilizers?


Yes, as long as the crop variety and biofertilizer strain are optimally matched, and environmental conditions are favorable for the microbe and plant. In crops like most of the vegetable 100% biofertilizer gives result equivalent to chemical fertilizer, but it should be done gradual replacement. In most of the crops it has found that biofertilizer work better if mix with chemical fertilizer because they complement each other.

Q: Is it essential to mix Trichoderma viride with FYM for 24 to 48 hrs prior to its application in the field?


There is no need to mix T. viride with FYM for seed treatment and seedling treatment, but if applied for soil drenching and horticulture crop then mix with FYM desirable.

Q: Is there any side effect of bio fertilizers and bio pesticides on the applicator or on target crops?


No side effect, Chemical fertilizers may have a temporary, salutary effect on a crop in terms of yield but they also have a long-term destructive effect on the environment supporting the crop. In addition to soil erosion, chemicals can pollute the watershed. This, in turn, will harm livestock, wildlife and public health. Biofertilizers leave no such legacy. In fact, the opposite is true: they strengthen the soil profile, leave water sources untainted and edify plant growth without detrimental side-effects.


Q: How successfully bio pesticides can control disease and pest in different crops?


Disease control very successfully & very fast Insect control process is slow but sure.

Q: Whether these microbes tolerate the high temperature and high pH of soil?



Q: Can we mix insecticides with bio products?



Q: Can we mix bio fertilizers with chemical fertilizers and broadcast in the field?



Q: Can we mix chemical fungicides with bio pesticides (Verticillium lecanii, Beauveria basiana, Metarhizium anisopliae etc)


No, Mixing of chemical inputs with bio pesticide can inhibit mycelial growth, colony population and spore germination.

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