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Frequently Asked Questions

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General Questions

Q: What are all the nutrients provided by microorganisms?


All Major, Secondary and Micro nutrients (16 nutrients) can be provided by microorganisms to plant.

List of nutrients used by Plant

  1. Carbon (C)
  2. Hydrogen (H)
  3. Oxygen (O)
  4. Nitrogen (N)
  5. Phosphorus (P)
  6. Potassium (K)
  7. Calcium (Ca)
  8. Magnesium (Mg)
  9. Sulfur (S)
  10. Boron (B)
  11. Chlorine (CI)
  12. Copper (Cu)
  13. Iron (Fe)
  14. Manganese (Mn)
  15. Molybdenum (Mo)
  16. Zinc (Zn)

Q: What are Liquid bio – fertilizers?


Liquid bio-Fertilizers are specific beneficial microorganisms which are capable of fixing or solubilising or mobilizing the nutrients required by the plant. Liquid bio-Fertilizers contain not only desired microorganisms but also cell protectants for longer shelf life and tolerance to adverse conditions.Liquid bio-Fertilizers are specific beneficial microorganisms which are capable of fixing or solubilising or mobilizing the nutrients required by the plant. Liquid bio-Fertilizers contain not only desired microorganisms but also cell protectants for longer shelf life and tolerance to adverse conditions.

Q: Is there any harm for overuse (Overdose) of Bio-Products?


No there is no harm for overuse of Bio-product.

Q: What is the reasons for promoting and adopting Bio-Fertilizers?


The main reasons for promoting and adopting Bio-fertilizers are they are eco-friendly, easy availability, cost-effective technology.

Q: Where irrigation is totally dependent on rainfall. If during the season, there is no rainfall, will Bio-fertiliser also work? If yes, up to what extent?


Yes, the Bio fertilizer will work in the season when there is no rainfall, as it can help in retaining the moisture present in soil, until the survivability of the microbe in the formulation.

Q: Can we convert the infertile land into fertile land by using our Bio-fertiliser & Bio-pesticides? If Yes, (a) how much time it will take to become fertile land?, (b) What would be the productivity Of that land as compare to surrounding area?


Yes we can convert the infertile land into fertile land by using our Bio-fertiliser & Bio-pesticides. It is a gradual process it will take time as the macro and micro nutrients which will be availed by the biological products will slowly make the soil fertile. The productivity of that land will also be improved as compare to surrounding area.

Q: What is the basic difference between Manure (Gobar Khad) and Bio-fertiliser?


Yes, technically there is big difference between bio-fertilizer and organic fertilizer. Bio fertilizers are microbial inoculants consisting of living cells of micro-organism like bacteria, algae and fungi alone or combination which may help in increasing crop productivity. Biological activities are markedly enhanced by microbial interactions in the rhizosphere of plants.

Whereas, organic fertilizers are obtained from animal sources such as animal manure (Gobar Khad) or plant sources like green manure. For example, vermicomposting is a simple biotechnological process of composting, in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce a better end product.

Q: What is the basic difference between Manure (Gobar Khad) and Bio-fertiliser?


Yes, technically there is big difference between bio-fertilizer and organic fertilizer. Bio fertilizers are microbial inoculants consisting of living cells of micro-organism like bacteria, algae and fungi alone or combination which may help in increasing crop productivity. Biological activities are markedly enhanced by microbial interactions in the rhizosphere of plants.

Whereas, organic fertilizers are obtained from animal sources such as animal manure (Gobar Khad) or plant sources like green manure. For example, vermicomposting is a simple biotechnological process of composting, in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce a better end product.


Q: If Bio-fertiliser and chemical fertilisers are complementing each other. It means chemical fertilisers will always remain in existence.


There is a huge difference in the application amount and the actual availability of chemical fertilizers to the plants. Biofertilizers have been reported to enhance the availability of these inorganic inputs to the plants. Thus Biofertilizers can be used along with chemical fertilizers but the care should be taken to avoid direct contact of chemical based inputs with Biofertilizers which is likely to reduce the microbial population of Biofertilizers.

Q: What is Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and its mode of action?


The Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Premium Suraksha) colonize the root surface and closely adheres to soil interface, the Rhizosphere. Some of the PGPR’s can also enter root interior and establish endophytic population. Many of them are able to transfer the endodermis barrier, crossing from the root cortex to vascular system, and subsequently thrive in stem, leaves, tuber and other parts. Consequently intimate association between bacteria and host plant can be formed. They play a major role in synthesis of plant growth promoting substances and prevention of diseases.

Q: What is mode of Action of Premium EMc


The microorganisms used in Premium EMc production contains consortium Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast, Phototrophic Bacteria.

  • Decomposition of organic matter (including organic wastes and residues) and the improvement of fertilizer effects
  • Recycling and increasing availability of plant nutrients.
  • Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.
  • Suppression of soil-borne pathogens.
  • Solubilization of insoluble nutrient sources.
  • Production of polysaccharides and overall rich microflora to improve soil aggregation and hold in moisture to improve drought resistance.
  • Improve Root Structures.

Q: What are the mode of action of Bio-nematicides products?


Paecilomyces lilacinus (Nematofree) attaches to the target pest and produces an appressorium which enters the external skin (cuticle) of the host, proliferate and start feeding on insect’s internal contents. Paecilomyces lilacinus produces a serine protease that is toxic to nematode eggs. It also produces enzymes like proteases and chitinase enzymes that weakens nematodes

Q: What are the mode of action of Bio-insecticides products?


Bio-insecticides (Nagestra/Daman

The biocontrol activity of bioinsecticide is due to the spores/mycelia and secondary metabolites or toxins produced by them. Insects exhibit various symptoms including restlessness, cessation of feeding, and loss of coordination before ultimately getting killed.

Beauveria bassiana (Nagestra/Daman) infect the insect and ingest into the skin (epicuticle) by lysing with enzymes. It releases toxin inside the insect i.e., Beauvericin and Oosporin that weakens the host’s immune system and helps the fungus to grow through the softer parts of the insect’s body, producing the characteristic “white/pink bloom” appearance.

Metarhizium anisopilae (Devastra/Kalichakra) spores/mycelia when comes in contact with the insect body or are ingested, grow and colonize the host body. Destruxins produced by the fungus eventually weakens and kills the insect.

Bacillus thuringiensis (Mahasthra) have specified activities against insects’ species of the orders Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera etc. Bt. contains Cry proteins which is toxin crystals, which when inserted into the insect gut cell membrane, paralyzes the digestive tract and form pores in microvilli of apical membranes. Subsequently cell lysis and disruption of the midgut epithelium occurs which leads to insect death.

Hirsutella thompsonii (Almite) contains protein which cause detectable cytopathic effects on insects within 24-48 hrs and completely inhibited cell growth at 4 days post treatment. Hirsutellin is a mycotoxin of an invertebrate mycopathogen which acts against the pest.

Verticillium lecanii (Vertifier L/Varunastra) produces several toxins like bassianolide and other insecticidal toxins such as dipicolinic acid, which infect aphids, whiteflies, rust fungi, scale insects and causes mortality.

Q: What are the mode of action of Bio-pesticides products?


Bio-fungicides (Sanjeevani, Bioharz, Phasal Rakshak/Bactvipe, Milgo, Mildown): They control fungal phytopathogens indirectly by competing for nutrients and space, modifying the environmental condition, promoting plant growth, plant defensive mechanisms and antibiosis, or directly by mechanisms such as mycoparasitism. In certain cases combination of the mechanisms are involved to control and antagonize plant pathogens.

  1. Antibiosis: By the Production of Soluble Antibiotics (Peptides), Volatile and Non-volatile Antibiotics which inhibit the growth of many fungal pathogen.
  2. Mycoparasitism: Trichoderma sp. grow toward the hyphae of other pathogenic fungi, coil about them in a lectin-mediated reaction and degrade the cell walls of the target fungi by a combination of lytic enzymes.
  3. Competition: They compete for nutrients and space.
  4. Other Beneficial Activities: Supplying essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, copper, molybdenum, magnesium, zinc, iron, and very importantly a source of water.

Pseudomonas fluorescens (Phasal Rakshak/Bactvipe) rapidly utilize seed and root exudates to multiply in the rhizopshere of the soils. It also produces a wide spectrum of bioactive metabolites such as pycocyanin and phenazine, which inhibit the growth of disease causing pathogens. It also produces siderophore which chelate with iron in the soil, and make it difficult for the pathogens to proliferate. Further, it secretes several plant growth substances, and these gibberellins like compounds contribute to vigorous crop growth

Bacillus subtilis (Mildown) colonize the developing root system, competing with disease organisms that attack root systems. It is reported to induce systemic acquired resistance (SAR) against bacterial pathogens.

Q: What are the mode of action of Bio-fertilizers products?


There are different type of mode of action depending upon the nutrient supply by the bio-fertilizers

  1. Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bio-fertilizer (Premium Azospi, Premium Rhizo, Premium Bio-NPK): They fix the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the plants in a symbiotic manner. They also synthesize some amount of active substances like vitamins, IAA, Gibberellins and Nicotinic acid which helps in seed germination, early emergence which enhance better root growth and other plant development activities.
  2. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bio-fertilizer (Premium Azoto, Premium Aceto, Premium Bio-NPK): They fix nitrogen non-symbiotically. They also produces growth promoting substances like IAA (Indole Acetic Acid) and gibberellic acid. They help in enhancing soil fertility and plant growth. They also produce antifungal substances like siderophore,which inhibits the growth of harmful pathogens and result in lowering the disease incidence.
  3. Phosphate solubilizing bio-fertilizers (Premium Phoster, Premium Phosphofix, Premium Bio-NPK): Contain microbes that are capable of hydrolysing organic and inorganic phosphorus from insoluble compounds and make it available for the plants.
  4. Potash mobilizing bio-fertilizers (Premium Potash active, Premium Bio-NPK): They help the plant to get potassium from the soil through biological activity. In nature potassium remains in immobilized form in soil which gets converted to mobilize form with help of these microbes, through secreting organic acid and make it available for plant roots.
  5. Zinc solubilizing bio-fertilizers (Premium Zinc Activator): It produces organic acids and converts insoluble form of zinc available in nature e.g. zinc sulphide, zinc oxide and zinc carbonate and make it available to the plants through lowering the soil pH and breaking down the complexity and thereby increases the crop yield and soil health.
  6. Iron and sulphur mobilising bio-fertilizers (Siron): It produces acids and converts the insoluble form of Iron and sulphur form into available form through lowering the soil pH and breaking down the complex. It increases the crop yield and improves the soil health by enhancing the nutrient content.
  7. Seed Germination Enhancing bio-fertilizer (Germifast): It makes plant nutrients available during seed germination process with a protective layer of antimicrobial substances which protects against soil borne diseases infections. It helps in improving seed germination rate and enhance the better root development for efficient nutrient uptake.
  8. VAM Shakti: VAM fungi penetrate into the plant root cells, producing vesicles. The structure of the arbuscules increase the contact surface between the hyphae and the cell cytoplasm to facilitate the transfer of nutrients between them. Management of VAM fungi enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrient like Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Bo, Mo. Besides these, it imparts resistance to plant against drought, soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes.

Q: What is the method of application?


I.Seed treatment: Mix recommended quantity of Biofertilizer and Biopesticides in water and applied on seed uniformly. Shade dry the seeds for 20 – 30 minutes before sowing

II.Seedling treatment: Dissolve recommended quantity of Biofertilizer and Biopesticides in water, Dip seedling roots for about half an hour in the suspension and transplant immediately.

III.Soil application/broadcasting: Mix recommended quantity Biofertilizer and Biopesticides of in 40-50 kg well decomposed FYM/compost/vermi compost/field soil thoroughly and broadcast in the field before sowing/planting or in the standing crop.

Q: What happen to your soil when siol is treated to Biofertilizer, Biopesticides and Biofungicides?


They improve soil health by adding nutrition, balance soil pH, remove pathogenic microbes/insects and solubilising/mobilising complex compound into simple form.

Q: What is Indocert certification and IMO certification?


Indian organic certification agency (Indocert) is the agency in India which provides certificate for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products. Institute for Marketecology (IMO) is a leading provider for international inspection and certification services for organic, ecological and social standards

Q: What is CIB registered products and its importance?


The CIB registered products are legal products ensuring their use with a view to prevent risks to human beings and animals and for other matters connected therewith.

Q: What is CIB registered products and its importance?


The CIB registered products are legal products ensuring their use with a view to prevent risks to human beings and animals and for other matters connected therewith.

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